neo L154
Handheld Wireless Ultrasound
The neo L154 linear array ultrasound system provides exceptional image quality with high resolution and detail visualization, crucial for accurate diagnoses and confident image-guided procedures.
in the Emergency Care, Apache neo L154’s exceptional image quality and portability, you can quickly visualize the lungs at the bedside, aiding in a swift diagnosis and potentially life-saving intervention.
This versatile probe excels in superficial and musculoskeletal (MSK) examinations, including Breast, Carotid, Nerve, Superficial, Vascular, Lung, and customized preset. With a comfortable depth range of up to 12 cm, the L154 is ideal for detailed examinations without compromising portability. Additionally, the wireless design and cost-effective nature make it a highly attractive option for point-of-care settings and busy clinical environments.